andrew just left to go to dixon to see his parents, who decided just last night apparently, to drive down here from michigan. so now he has to drive all the way out there to spend time with people who thinks he exists to make their lives meaningless, as if its the offspring's duty to make their parents' lives meaningful. i know andrew and i have totally different ideas on who we think our parents are. i dont take crap from my mom (and believe me, she dishes it out, constantly), i dont talk...
i have a day off today after working my ass off yesterday. i was alone, and i always like that....i get more things done that way. Angela, my boss, was impressed with everything i did, and i told her she should be 'cause i worked my ass off. so i came home and i started feeling depressed again, just from looking at the mess in the kitchen from the night before. its that same feeling of having to clean, make the house look nice for andrew because he is working hard, making the big bucks fo...
So, I am a gay 23 yo guy living in Nashville with my partner Andrew and my Yorkie pookabear, Bobby Corwin. I have been in 3 relationships since i came out at 19 while at Vanderbilt U, but right now i am hopefully in the last one i will be in. I love Andrew, he loves me, and we love our life together